Limited edition poster distributed to film crew of Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) |
Seems like Captain America is everywhere this month.
Marvel Comics is releasing a new Captain America #1 and the second installment of the intriguing All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes limited series, as well as Captain America and Bucky #620, Captain America and Thor: Avengers! #1 and Captain America Corps #2. Tack on Red Skull #1 (starring Cap's arch nemesis) and AC Comics' tribute to patriotic heroes, and you might as well call this Captain America Month.
With so many "public appearances," you'd almost think he's got a new movie coming out.![]()
GOLDEN AGE GREATS SPOTLIGHT #6 - STAR SPANGLED AVENGERS: THE OTHER PATRIOTIC HEROES Flag-draped superheroes swept Golden Age comics after Timely’s 1941 launch of CAPTAIN AMERICA. This volume collects the best of Cap’s imitators from competing publishers in full story reprints. Includes YANKEE DOODLE JONES, FLAG-MAN, EAGLE, U.S. JONES, SPIRIT of ’76, MINUTE MAN, COMMANDO YANK, AMERICAN EAGLE, CAPTAIN FREEDOM, FIGHTING YANK and others. | |
ACTION COMICS #903 The mastermind behind "Reign of Doomsday" begins the final phase of his plan to destroy Superman and all mankind! Steel, Supergirl, Superboy and the heroes of Earth unite to try to stop the devastation, while Superman undertakes a dangerous journey in a desperate attempt to save the day! | |
THE ALL-NEW BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD #9 Batman teams up with Hawkman – and though they may have beaten the bad guy, the real battle is just beginning. Now, they have to bring their prisoner to jail on the planet Thanagar...and his gang's waiting to make sure they never get there alive! | |
BATMAN #712 Batman uses both his wits and brute force to deal with new and old enemies alike. Will Two-Face find his coin? Does the Riddler finally get the skeleton key to his locked memories? Is there a new power hierarchy about to reign in Gotham City? Find out in the stunning conclusion of the 3-part "Pieces." | |
BATMAN & ROBIN #25 The most unlikely team-up ever comes to an end. It's the crashing finish to the brief alliance of Batman, Robin and Jason Todd, a.k.a. The Red Hood, against a common foe. After all, the three "sons of Wayne" can put their differences aside for just so long. And when one fight ends, another will begin... | |
BATMAN INCORPORATED #9 Is an exclusive girls' finishing school a secret training ground for teenaged assassins? Find out the truth as Batgirl undertakes her most dangerous mission yet at the request of Batman. | |
BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY #4 (OF 5) The miniseries that leads into the video game continues under the guidance of game writer Paul Dini. The gates swing shut on Arkham City, trapping small-time criminals and deadly Super-Villains behind its walls. As the prisoners struggle for survival, a rogue unit of Mayor Sharp's security force hunts down rival gang bosses The Joker and Two-Face. Not only must Batman save the lives of his greatest foes, he's got to fight his way through an army to do it! | |
BATMAN: GATES OF GOTHAM #3 (OF 5) It's Batman and Red Robin vs. The Architect as the villain tears through Gotham City's first families! Plus, who is Nicholas Anders? The team continues to investigate the mysterious man from turn-of-the twentieth-century Gotham, but what they find may change everything they know about the city itself! | |
DC RETROACTIVE: BATMAN – THE ‘70s The 1970s was a pivotal decade for Batman, one in which he transitioned from TV's campy Caped Crusader into today's Dark Knight Detective! Now, legendary scribe Len Wein (DC UNIVERSE: LEGACIES) tells a never-before-revealed tale from this era in a brand-new story! Plus: Following the 26-page lead story is a classic tale originally published in the '70s, also written by Len Wein! | |
DC RETROACTIVE: SUPERMAN – THE ‘70s DC Retroactive is an exciting event honoring the defining eras of DC's core heroes, featuring an original story by the legendary writers and artists who helped mold the characters! Martin Pasko revisits the Metropolis of the 1970s, telling an epic lost tale as Mr. Mxyzptlk returns for another go at The Man of Steel. Will he succeed this time around? Plus: Following the 26-page lead story is a classic tale originally published in the '70s, also written by Martin Pasko! | |
DC RETROACTIVE: WONDER WOMAN – THE ‘70s From legendary scribe Dennis O'Neil comes an untold adventure starring DC's Amazon Princess in her "white costume" phase! When Paradise Island is in danger, Wonder Woman must complete three tasks to save her homeland from destruction. But are these tasks too difficult even for her? Plus: Following the 26-page lead story is a classic tale originally published in the '70s, also written by Dennis O'Neil! | |
DETECTIVE COMICS #879 For years, Jim Gordon has been tormented by the possibility that his son, James Jr., might be a killer. Tonight, he'll get the answers he's been after. But is the truth about James even darker than the Commissioner, or even Batman, could have guessed? | |
DETECTIVE COMICS #880 It all comes down to this! The Joker is on the loose in the catacombs beneath Gotham City, more vicious and frightening than ever. But even as Batman closes in on The Clown Prince of Crime, he begins to suspect that the city may be the target of an even deadlier threat – one that could shake Gotham City to its core. | |
DOC SAVAGE #16 The quest for the Apis Bull continues! While Doc fends off a horde of bruiser Neanderthals, the elusive Russian woman gives him the slip. Can he catch her and convince her to share her story? And The Fabulous Five put their survivalist knowledge to the test as they traipse across the unforgiving Russian steppes! | |
JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #53 The hidden door beneath Monument Point lies open, and the JSA teams up with the Challengers of The Unknown to venture into the city's depths. Older than the time of the Conquistadores, reaching across time and space – the deeper our heroes go, the more sinister this realm seems, until they stumble upon an ancient evil. Just what was Scythe looking for down here? | |
THE SPIRIT #16 The Spirit has gone rogue, killing criminals that the judicial system has let slip through its grasp. Now The Spirit – the real Spirit – must find the impostor who is signing these murders with an "S," while the pressure is on Dolan to make an arrest. Will The Spirit end up behind bars before the killer strikes again? | |
SUPERMAN #713 What could possibly make The Man of Steel decide to stop being Superman? Superboy and Supergirl catch up with him in Portland, Oregon, and they want answers! | |
SUPERMAN/BATMAN #86 Don't miss this new tale of the early days of Superman and Batman's partnership! Someone has gotten close to finding out the true identity of Batman, and now that person has turned up dead! Superman is about to discover just how gray the world of The Dark Knight really is. | |
WONDER WOMAN #613 The mega-opus "Odyssey" proved too big, it needed two extra issues to tell J. Michael Straczynski and Phil Hester's full story! It's classic Wonder Woman versus the new one! Even if she wins, she loses! | |
REPRINT COLLECTIONS: Batman: Bruce Wayne – The Road Home Batman: Hush Unwrapped Deluxe Edition Batman: The Streets of Gotham – The House of Hush DC Comics Presents: Batman – Gotham Noir #1 DC Comics Presents: Superman #4 Infinity Inc.: The Generations Saga, Vol. 1 Showcase Presents: Doc Savage Tales of Batman: Gene Colan, Vol. 1 | |
THE PHANTOM #11 Aided by Bandar tribesmen, Kit Walker finally finds the source of the blood diamonds funding the Bengali coup d’etat! But when The Phantom attempts to permanently shut down the dangerous mines, he discovers that the forces of General Kiboko are trading in a commodity even more precious to win the war! | |
GREEN HORNET #18 The killer-for-hire known as Redhand has taken down Green Hornet and the new Kato. Now, this highly-skilled assassin sets his sights on the original Kato. It’s an epic kung-fu battle as Hayashi Kato battles the man he helped create. Redhand won’t be satisfied, even by defeating Green Hornet and both Katos. He wants to assume the criminal mantle our heroes have established in Century City, making the villainous cover of Green Hornet and Kato a reality, once and for all. | |
THE GREEN HORNET: AFTERMATH #4 (OF 4) The Triad think they have the Green Hornet and his sidekick, but they have a pair of Sentinel employees instead. Can Green Hornet and Kato save their friends in time? And what happens when other costumed vigilantes, cops, and federal agents make the scene? The conclusion to the movie sequel may spell the end of the Green Hornet and Kato! | |
15-LOVE #2 Millie Collins is finding that her dream of playing tennis is not as easy as she's thought. Her new coach, Walt, has her working day and night, training to get her off the bottom of the Wayde Tennis Academy's ranking. But when a photographer takes an interest in Mill, a whole new wrinkle is added into her life. Can she make time for modeling and still save herself from being expelled? | |
ALL-WINNERS SQUAD: BAND OF HEROES #2 The super-powered veterans of World War II are facing a deadly mystery...and it goes all the way back to the top-secret missions they ran behind enemy lines under Captain America's command! Help in unraveling the mystery will come from a very tricky source – and nothing is what it seems! | |
CAPTAIN AMERICA AND THOR! AVENGERS #1 U-Base: When Hydra's U-Boats take out an Allied target, it's up to CAPTAIN AMERICA and his HOWLING COMMANDOS to strike back! The heroes sneak in to a Hydra U-Base, but there they find that the tentacles in the Hydra logo might not be simply symbolize! | |
CAPTAIN AMERICA #1 Bestselling Cap writer Ed Brubaker and superstar artist Steve McNiven bring you the next huge chapter in Steve Rogers life, and it's a perfect jumping-on point for fans of the Cap movie. A funeral for a fallen friend turns into a race against time as the original Captain America makes his explosive return! | |
CAPTAIN AMERICA & BUCKY #620 Think you know the story of Cap and Bucky's origins? Well, think again. The secret story of the early days of Captain America, told from Bucky Barnes's point of view. From co-writers Ed Brubaker and Marc Andreyko with artist Chris Samnee (Thor: The Mighty Avenger). | |
CAPTAIN AMERICA CORPS #2 TWO CAPTAIN AMERICAS LEAD A TIME-TRAVELING PATRIOTIC SQUAD TO RESTORE LIBERTY! Steve Rogers and Jim Barnes – joined by US Agent, American Dream and Commander A -- now they find themselves in a dystopic America -- and branded as traitors. Can they survive in a nation that has surrendered its soul to the mysterious AMERICOMMAND? Roger Stern (CAPTAIN AMERICA: WAR & REMEMBRANCE) and Philippe Briones (IRON MAN: LEGACY) will show you a world where the Captains America have been declared ENEMIES OF THE STATE! | |
MYSTERY MEN #3 On the hunt to solve the brutal murder of a Broadway starlet, The Operative, The Revenant and The Aviatrix smash their way from the gleaming penthouses of privilege to the squalid alleyways of Manhattan, as the full horror of their enemies' schemes unfolds! Plus: experience the power of the mighty Achilles and the bizarre tactics of the syringe-wielding Surgeon! | |
RED SKULL #1 Witness the chilling creation of Marvel's greatest monster, and liberty's greatest enemy. As Berlin descends into chaos and ruin, sinister forces are on the rise...and the men who will form the Nazi Party ascend to power. Against this tragic backdrop of history, a boy comes of age...Johann Schmidt. orphan, thug, urchin – Johann has nothing...and how far he would go for power will change the world...Greg Pak, the writer of X-MEN: MAGNETO – TESTAMENT, and breakout Mirko Colak (SECRET WARRIORS) bring to life the twisted birth of the Red Skull. | |
THE SPIDER #4 The Spider faces a monstrous flesh-eating evil that attacks invisibly from the
filthy shadows, leaving doomed New York City in a panic-stricken state of hysteria and gruesome sudden death. None are immune to the plague of the
Creeping Hell, not even Nita Van Sloan, the Spider’s beloved. PLUS: more Operator5! | |
MOON GIRL #4 Class warfare and a massive fire on the roof tops of 1950's New York continues and exiled Russian princess, Moon Girl, is helpless against the chaos! Her only hope is Doctor Benjamin Pierce -- but his skin crawling life story will reveal a disturbing secret history of the golden age of America. |
As always, please let me know if I'm missing anything.